Water Level Meters: The Right Tool and the Right Size
The Right Water Level Meters: You Don't Hang a Picture with a Sledgehammer
On any project, you should always remember the old saying: “the right tool for the right job.” And while this expression offers a great starting point, there’s often a lot more to the story than just “the right tool.” Hammering stakes into the ground and hanging a picture on the wall may both technically require a hammer, but choosing which type of hammer can be the difference between a tastefully decorated home and a hole in the wall. The same importance holds true for water level meters.
Water level meters are vital tools in the groundwater testing field, but all groundwater testing sites are not the same. Much like you wouldn’t hang a photo with a sledgehammer, bringing the wrong water level meter to your project can seriously hamper your ability to do the job right. It’s not just the right tool for the right job. It’s the right tool and the right size for the right job. Thankfully, PRMDetect offers water level meters, idicators, and accessories for a variety of different jobs, ensuring you have the right equipment no matter the need.
Solinst offers a useful chart to aid in selecting the right product. You can view the chart here. If you have any further questions about the right tools for you, please fill out the contact form below for help from one of our dedicated experts.